
​Did your child forget their reading book and bag at school?
No worries!  Here's all the information you need! 
-Family reading should take 15-20 minutes each night  
-If your child forgets their book and bag at school, please feel free to read a book you have at home.  Reading and spending time together, is better than nothing at all. 
-  Our goal is to inspire 'wild' readers; a passion for reading both in and out of the classroom --- even AFTER they leave us at the end of
the year. 

Here are some helpful strategies you can use to help your child when reading with them: 
  • Track along with their finger as they read each word. They can point underneath or on top of each word to ensure they are matching each word spoken to the word in text.
  • When they get to a word they don’t know, you can:
    • Sound it out letter by letter c-a-t or by blending letters together to make a sound s-ing-er.
    • Look at the pictures to see if they provide any clues
    • Go back and re-read the sentence to see if that will help.
    • Think about what might make sense.
    • Finally, ask an adult for help in sounding it out. We want to create independence and confidence in their own ability to read unfamiliar words without causing too much frustration

Don't forget to check for comprehension. Here are some starters to get the conversation going: 
  • Can you re-tell the story in your own words?
  • See if your child can put the main events of the story in order
  • Who are they main characters? What did the characters do in the reading?
  • See if they can relate or connect with anything or anyone in the reading